Music at the Heart of Excellence

Permission was granted by the Board of Management in early June 2017 to establish a Music Academy at Rockwell College. A busy summer of refurbishment and building online forums ensued. Predicted figures for the business plan were based on 100 students and the year has concluded with 230 students and 11 tutors.

We set about creating a culture of music immediately – dedicating 3 professionals to weekly band and choir practices as an in-house service provided to the school.

A high standard of teaching practice from the outset meant that the Trad group could record for Siansa in November, 9th December we hosted the first RIAM exams and this all culminated in a showcase on 12/12/17.

The launch of new classes in semester 2 meant a big student intake. Cara (Pre-instrumental class) Junior choir and Musical theatre ensemble also began at the beginning of the semester.

RCMA staff and students have become ambassadors for Rockwell college engaging with professionals in many sectors such as Army Band, University of Limerick, WLRFM, Blackwater Valley Opera, Dyslexia Ireland, Caroline Foundation etc.

111 exams were undertaken at every age and stage over the year with 4 different examination boards. There is a 100% pass rate and the current record is 48% achieved distinctions (90% or more).

We hope to expand in the next academic year with the addition of another teaching/rehearsal space. Numbers will be up and two new tutors will join the team. We also propose the addition of hosting ABRSM examinations. Our goal is continue raising the profile of this school, creating a musical culture and proving that sport and music can co-exist.

Slide At a glance... SEMESTER ONE 4th September
4th September
26th September
13th October

23rd November
28th November
12th December
Thia was the first student for singing and piano
Choir and Band also initiated facilitated by RCMA tutors
AOIC National choral singing week in Conjuction with Mental Health Ireland – Choir first gig in the common room
'A Day in the Life of a Presenter’ workshop by Mary O’Neill of WLRFM
Army Band of 1st Brigade Cork visited Rockwell on request by RCMA
Trad Group recorded a set for Gael Linn Siansa Competition
Showcase debut in the Concert Hall

Slide At a glance... SEMESTER TWO 15th January

1st February

3rd February

4th February

10th March

5-9th February

3rd March

13-15th March
Start of Semester 2 and launch of new CARA classes, Junior Choir and Musical Theatre Ensemble

Coaching by Kaeylea Van Keith and Garry Montaine for principals and cast of My Fair Lady

Hosted Caroline Foundation GIVE US A SONG campaign for cancer research, 3 hour singing marathon

Feile Luimnigh French horn competitions

Singing competitions

“Bring your Parent to Music Lesson week”

Wesley Inter schools Competition for Trad Group cancelled due to adverse weather

My Fair Lady – A Rockwell College Production

Slide At a glance... SEMESTER TWO 21st April

28th April

12th May

9/Dec, 8/Mar, 17,18, 25/May

22nd May

24th May

26th May

29th May
Exam centre for Registry of Guitar Tutors at London College of Music

Hosted the university of Limerick Orchestra in aid of Dyslexia Ireland

RCMA Proms in 2 Acts

Riam Exam Centre

String programme showcase, Presentation Primary School, Clonmel

Leinster school of music and drama exams

Irish Board of Speech and Drama exams

Blackwater Valley Opera Festival, Education night/Dress rehearsal, Rossini

2018 Highlights

Facilities Gallery

Junior School

Senior School