Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope that you are all safe and well during these difficult times.

Over the next week we aim to roll out a bespoke lesson plan for each of our students. Written by our dedicated teachers, each student will receive tasks and exercises that will allow them to continue learning their musical instrument.

We are preparing for one-to-one live lessons and recorded video lessons should this pandemic persist. We will share more information on this over the coming days and weeks.

We aim to minimize as much lost time as we can, ensuring our students have every opportunity to continue their music education with RCMA.

This notice will be sent via email to all our parents/guardians. If you did not receive an email please let us know so that you can benefit from this service.

As we have restricted access to the Rockwell Campus please contact us via email at or call 083-377-4163.

Many thanks for your time and cooperation.

Keep safe,

Suzanne and the RCMA team.
