March 2024

October 2021

July 2021

    Online Workshop: How to support your child/student in their Music Education

    By |2021-07-29T20:11:49+01:00July 29th, 2021|, |

    Rockwell Music Academy director Suzanne Buttimer leads a fundamental workshop that aims to provide practical advice for parents, tutors or adult learners in how to approach the subject of learning music.

    February 2021

      Grade-1-A-Thon Progress!

      By |2021-02-23T18:48:14+00:00February 22nd, 2021|Blog|

      8 of our tutors have undertaken the GRADE-1-A-THON challenge. Each tutor has committed to learn a new a brand new instrument in order to fundraise for Music Network Ireland. Grade-1-a-thon was initiated to create an instrument bank for the active retirement encouraging the over 65’s that it's never too late to learn a new [...]

        Composition Competition

        By |2021-02-22T09:49:45+00:00February 13th, 2021|Blog, News|

        Rockwell Music Academy want to see your creativity shine through our new COMPOSITION COMPETITION and be in with a chance of winning lots of RMA Goodies!   THEME: This theme of this competition is based on your response to Covid-19. This theme can be an interpretation of: Covid Symptoms (Coughs/Sneezes) Covid Precautions (Cleaning/Distancing) Covid Outcomes (Isolation/Remote [...]


          By |2021-02-12T21:51:31+00:00February 12th, 2021|Blog|

          We are delighted to announce that 8 of our tutors have undertaken the GRADE-1-A-THON challenge. We have each committed to learning a new instrument in order to fundraise for Music Network Ireland. Grade-1-a-thon was initiated to create an instrument bank for the over 65’s. Aside from a team building exercise, we have found respect for [...]

          January 2021

            RMA in Partnership with Stringbabies

            By |2021-01-29T15:12:37+00:00January 29th, 2021|Blog, News|

            Rockwell Music Academy is delighted to announce its exciting new partnership with Stringbabies. We are the first and only academy to deliver this programme in Ireland. The ‘Stringbabies’ programme is designed to be fun and rewarding! No slave driving, no regimentation. Each child has their own workbook, with the simple lessons in large print plus [...]

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