October 2020

10 reasons why MUSIC is not just for kids!

By |2020-10-03T09:49:53+01:00October 1st, 2020|Blog, News|

Rockwell Music Academy believes in the pure magic of music. It brings such a positive impact to daily life. As adults, regardless of age, we sometimes neglect our own personal development and creativity. Whether you have played music before or not, the fear of taking it back up can be overwhelming. FEAR NOT! While it [...]

August 2019

Intensive Music Workshop for Teachers

By |2019-08-01T12:13:31+01:00August 1st, 2019|Blog, News|

Interested in a CPD workshop to match your desired area and level of development? Rockwell College Music Academy has been selected as a venue to host an intensive music workshop for teachers (current and aspiring) or for anyone hoping to develop their music literacy. This workshop will be designed to meet your music teaching needs. [...]

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