Interested in a CPD workshop to match your desired area and level of development?
Rockwell College Music Academy has been selected as a venue to host an intensive music workshop for teachers (current and aspiring) or for anyone hoping to develop their music literacy.

This workshop will be designed to meet your music teaching needs. YOU CHOOSE in advance what areas will be covered. Some options you may be interested in include but are not limited to:

  • Musicianship in teaching;
  • Teaching theory;
  • Aural development;
  • An argument for scales;
  • Intervals and enharmonic;
  • Approaching dictation;
  • Time signatures and the importance of thinking in different values;
  • Programme notes;
  • Beyond graded exams;
  • Raising awareness of what music teaching involves for your teaching practise;
  • Engaging with parents;
  • Preparing students for music at university.

What would you like covered:

In advance of bookings you can express the topics that would interest you by getting in touch via the following methods.

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Date: 31st August 2019
Time: tbc
Special offer: €100

Certificate of participation will be provided. Depending on requests, a range of subjects may be covered with a minimum of a half an hour dedicated to each topic. Where one topic may be in demand, the workshop’s leader will go into greater depth. All details will be listed by 19 August at which point booking will open. This intensive music workshop is at a special offer of €100. As places are limited, reserve a spot now by simply emailing your expression
of interest to Suzanne at