2018-19 marks our second year in operation and what an exciting year it has been for the Rockwell College Music Academy! We decided to take a moment to share with you some of our highlights.
Ciarán Healy shared the same stage as RTÉ Contempo Quartet as part of their lunchtime family concert wonderfully facilitated by the Cashel Arts Festival.
The RCMA String Ensemble and some of our singers featured in the official opening of the new Rockwell Pavilion.
We began our work in preparation for the Dyslexia Awareness Week.
RCMA students participate in Glór, an event by the National Youth Orchestra of Ireland.
A selection of our singers shared their talents at the Rockwell 1st Mass.
We were delighted to support Shane Neville in his concert in aid of the HOPE Foundation.
RCMA provided accompaniment to the Rockwell College Liturgical Choir during their first year mass.
RCMA travel to our National Concert Hall in Dublin to see CAROUSEL the Musical.
Two of our students were presented with medals at the RIAM High Achiever Awards ceremony.
RCMA host the British Dyslexia Association who provided an insightful masterclass for teachers with particular focus on music learning.
RCMA students sat their RIAM theory exams.
RCMA workshopped the Rockwell College Transition Year students in Musical Theatre. The students completed intermediate 4 musical theatre exams with the Irish Board of Speech & Drama and got 87%.
Our friends and colleagues at Irish Film and Pop Orchestra facilitated two of our students at sectional rehearsals.
We accompanied the Seinn workshop.


RCMA host a magical Christmas Showcase for friends and family.
We facilitated the December RIAM exams.
Our Junior Choir was entered into the RTÉ Lyric FM Christmas competition.
Many RCMA students performed in the Rockwell College Carol Service.
Student made reserve panel of the National Youth Orchestra of Ireland.
Some of our students provided some wonderful music in our Pop-Up Strings Recital.
RCMA host a wonderful performance by the Trinitones at Rockwell College.
We facilitated the RIAM exams.
RCMA attended the DCU Choral Leadership Day.

RCMA were delighted to participate in the Caroline Foundation campaign GIVE US A SONG, hosting a marathon Karaoke to raise some much needed funding.
RCMA host the Estill Voice Training.
Two of our students accompanied the Feile Luimnigh.
RCMA facilitated the Pound Fit Pro Training – an exciting new way to exercise with music.
MARCH 2019
Our Trad group and their tutor, Colin Harries who were awarded Highly Commended in the Traditional bands competition Wesley College Dublin.
A selection of RCMA students participated in the Presentation School Clonmel Stars in Their Eyes event.
We provided accompaniment to Rockwell College state examination students in preparation for the practical examinations.
We hosted RIAM exams.
We began preparation for our sports themed variety concert.
RCMA became a registered stage school with CIT Cork School of Music.

APRIL 2019
We were very proud to present our inaugural attempt to allow students of Rockwell College and of RCMA, the opportunity to play in an ‘orchestra.’ What a feat to get 50 students together.
Staged our sports themed Variety Concert at Rockwell College celebrating music and sport.
MAY 2019
The RCMA Junior Choir and senior soloists participate at the AIMS Choral Festival.
Students sit their Leinster Music exams.
RCMA register with Stagewise School Musical Scheme for future adjudication.
RCMA host the Irish Board External Centre for ESL students.
RCMA and Rockwell College student Adam Buttimer called up to The National Youth Orchestra of Ireland.
Our guitar students entertain us with a fantastic end of year recital for friends and family.
RCMA students are treated to a trip to Lismore Castle Arts for an open air performance of Don Pasquale.
RCMA students return to the Irish Youth Choir training in UL.
RCMA register with the Irish Association of Orchestras along with other organisations in preparation for our 2019-2020 academic year.

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