Making and sharing music together is such a wonderful experience. RMA offer an array of group classes that will give you the opportunity to learn an instrument while making new friends and experiencing each other’s unique musical journey.

Considering Covid-19 restrictions, we will continue to run our group classes with a few minor changes and with optimum space in our new premises to facilitate social distancing!

As always, all of our instrumental group classes will have a maximum of 4 students per group. Guided by government direction, we are excited to bring back our Junior Choir, Cara Pre-Instrumental Groups, Musical Theatre and Dance.

In addition to these, we will be introducing new adult group classes including a Parent Music Education Support Class, Retirement Singing Circle, Mother and Baby Music Group and BYO Adult String Ensemble.

See our weekly group schedule below for proposed times. If you are interested in these classes, sign up today on our website and if you have any questions feel free to send us a PM!

#groupmusicclasses #bettertogether #learnaskillforlife #rma #musiceducation